Campaign Goal: $20,000
In the world of association work, we are driven by something deeply personal. Rooted in our shared dedication to connection, knowledge development, and the betterment of professions that influence the very fabric of society, this work is a calling that goes beyond individual aspirations. Dedicated research to the advancement of associations provides timely insights that advance the industry and shape future outcomes.
Because of the groundbreaking reports provided by the ASAE Research Foundation associations are prepared for the ever present challenges in the workplace. Over 1,100+ associations leverage Foresight works to identify trends, stay informed, and maintain relevance as society shifts.
This Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2023 I invite you to make a donation. When you become a donor your support, no matter the amount, helps the Research Foundation produce future-focused research and critical tools to the association community.
How You Can Make a Difference:
- Contribute: Your donation directly fuels our mission, empowering us to support aspiring professionals and advance our industry.
- Spread the Word: Share our cause within your network, inviting others to join the movement.
- Be a Champion: Your commitment to giving can inspire positive change, within our organization and beyond.
Because of the ASAE Research Foundation I can learn more about my colleagues, my community, and the issues they care about. I can make strategic decisions that have a positive impact, and I can succeed at the work I was born to do.
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